And the winner is…
On June 21 the three ZEDhub Student-teams have presented the results of their research project. The teams were competing to each other with the assignment to come up with the best disruptive solution for coastal replenishment at the Dutch coastline.
ZEDhub in collaboration with Dordrecht Academy have set up the student assignment and competition in the beginning of this year. Three student teams were selected by Dordrecht Academy, with students from University of Applied Sciences Zeeland (Maritime Officer) and STC-University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam (Maritime logistics).
In the past months the teams have worked hard on the assignment, which resulted in three interesting and disruptive solutions:
- Dredging with tethered ROVs, connected to a floating Renewable Energy Platform
- Zero Emission hopper dredger with nuclear energy, using a micro-reactor
- Net Zero Emission hopper dredger, powered by bio-methane and aftertreatment installation
All three student teams have delivered a well argumented and professional report and presented their outcomes on 21 June in Dordrecht. Since the assignment was a competition the results were evaluated by the jury of ZEDhub partners to determine the winning team.
One of the teams of University of Zeeland has won the competition with the Nuclear powered hopper dredger. All teams received the original ZEDhub trophy, made from the teeth of a cutterhead. The winning team received a voucher for a diner in addition. Congratulations and thank you for your efforts!